Chart of Accounts Videos
Chart of Accounts Videos
The following short videos outline the guidance included in the USFR Chart of Accounts, describe each part of the account code string and how it is used, provide tips on using the chart efficiently to determine the correct classification of various accounting transactions, and review how journal entries can be used to correct coding errors.
Tour of the USFR Chart of Accounts (7:00)
Allocating costs (1:51)
Using the Chart of Accounts (2:47)
Overview (1:19)
Maintenance and Operation vs. Unrestricted Capital Outlay Funds (3:46)
Unrestricted Funds (2:25)
E-rate Fund (2:04)
Intergovernmental Agreements (1:45)
Energy and Water Savings Fund (2:01)
Gifts and Donations (1:56)
Civic Center and Community School Funds (1:14)
Revenue object codes
Overview (1:48)
Local (4:59)
County, State, and Federal (4:33)
Other Financing Sources (2:40)
Expenditure program codes (3:59)
Expenditure function codes
Overview (3:20)
Instruction – Function 1000 (2:17)
Student & Instructional Support Services – Functions 2100 and 2200 (5:15)
Administrative Support Services – Functions 2300, 2400 and 2500 (1:59)
Operation and Maintenance of Plant & Student Transportation – Functions 2600 and 2700 (2:20)
Noninstructional Services – Functions 3100 through 3400 (2:35)
Expenditure object codes
Payroll – Objects 6100 and 6200 (2:17)
Accounts payable – Objects 6300 through 6800 (5:55)
Expenditure unit codes (1:25)
Authorized transfers (3:06)
Journal entries (4:38)