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Maricopa County June 30, 2017 Financial Report

Maricopa County June 30, 2016 Financial and Single Audit Highlights

Maricopa County June 30, 2016 Single Audit

Maricopa County June 30, 2016 Financial Report

Maricopa County June 30, 2015 Expenditure Limitation Report

Maricopa County June 30, 2015 Financial and Single Audit Highlights

Maricopa County June 30, 2015 Single Audit

Maricopa County June 30, 2015 Report on Internal Control and Compliance

Maricopa County June 30, 2015 Financial Report

Maricopa County June 30, 2014 Expenditure Limitation Report

Maricopa County June 30, 2014 Financial and Single Audit Highlights

Maricopa County June 30, 2014 Single Audit

Maricopa County Risk Management & Employee Benefits June 30, 2002 Financial Report

Maricopa County Risk Management & Employee Benefits June 30, 2003 Financial Report

Maricopa County Risk Management & Employee Benefits June 30, 2004 Financial Report

Maricopa County Risk Management & Employee Benefits June 30, 2005 Financial Report

Maricopa County Risk Management & Employee Benefits June 30, 2006 Financial Report

Maricopa County Risk Management & Employee Benefits June 30, 2007 Financial Report

Maricopa County June 30, 2014 Financial Report

Maricopa County June 30, 2014 Report on Internal Control and Compliance