Accountability Services Division
What does the Accountability Services Division do?
View the Division Overview.
Does the Auditor General’s Office operate like a public accounting firm?
In many respects, the Auditor General's Office operates like a public accounting firm. However, the Arizona State Legislature determines the services we provide, and we report directly to them. The Accountability Services Division performs reviews and various compliance and consulting activities for all of the governmental entities referred to above.
What can I expect during my first year?
We work extensively with school districts, reviewing their compliance with uniform accounting and financial reporting requirements. You will be assigned several districts to review throughout the year. For each district, you will prepare a summary of deficiencies to help determine the district's compliance status. Based on these reviews, you will visit districts that have been found in noncompliance and perform on-site testwork and observations to determine the district's level of improvement. Our work requires strong interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate effectively in writing. You will practice these skills with the guidance of more experienced staff and receive on-the-job training to help you review financial statements and internal controls. Throughout your first year, you may also participate in preparing annual budget and financial report forms for various entities, revising accounting manuals, and reviewing annual expenditure limitation reports. Through your work in ASD, you will gain knowledge in governmental accounting and auditing standards that meets the experience requirement to become a CPA.
How is the division structured?
The Accountability Services Division includes a director, managers, seniors, level II and level I accountants, and an administrative assistant. Managers and seniors specialize in specific areas, such as school districts, charter schools, and counties. Level Is and IIs work on tasks in several different areas for various seniors and managers.
What are the division's basic qualifications?
Applicants interested in the Accountability Services Division should have a bachelor's degree in accounting with 24 completed semester hours of accounting and a minimum 3.0 GPA in accounting classes. Students within a year of graduation will also be considered. In addition, you should be willing to travel in-state approximately 5-10 percent of the time and have strong interpersonal and oral and written communication skills. Further, you should have a working knowledge of Windows, word processing, spreadsheet, and database software.
How and when will I be evaluated?
To provide you with an understanding of what is expected of you, an experienced staff member will review the Level I evaluation form with you during your first week and answer any questions you may have. You will be provided timely oral and written feedback on your day-to-day performance. You will also receive formal written evaluations at the end of your first 3 months with the Office and semiannually thereafter. Once you become a level II accountant, evaluations will be performed annually. Evaluations will be completed by one or more of your direct supervisors who have worked extensively with you during the evaluation period. You will also have the opportunity to prepare a professional development plan each year. Division managers and seniors will work with you to help you achieve your professional goals.