Antelope Union High School District
In fiscal year 2009, Antelope Union High School District compared favorably to its peer districts in both student achievement and operational efficiencies. The District's student AIMS scores were higher than peer districts' and similar to or above the state averages for math and reading. The District's per-pupil administration costs were 36 percent lower than peer districts', and its plant operations per-pupil costs were 16 percent lower. The District also had lower transportation costs both per rider and per mile. Antelope UHSD was able to achieve lower costs because of lower staffing levels. Many employees performed duties for what would typically be multiple positions. For example, the superintendent was also involved in teacher professional development and business services activities, and employees from maintenance, food service, and even the classroom drove bus routes before and after performing their other duties. However, the District's IT controls were inadequate to protect its sensitive information, such as accounting and student information. Specifically, the District needs to have better password controls and ensure that only current employees have access to its network and systems. Further, the District needs to provide better oversight of vendors providing IT services and implement a disaster recovery plan.