Oracle Elementary School District
In fiscal year 2009, Oracle Elementary School District's student achievement was similar to the state and peer districts' averages, and its operational efficiencies were mixed. The District operated its plant operations and food service programs at costs that were similar to or lower than its peer districts', but operated its administration and transportation programs at costs that were significantly higher. As a result, although the District spent $457 more per pupil in total than its peer districts, it spent $322 less per pupil in the classroom. The District's per-pupil administrative costs were 27 percent higher than peer districts averaged primarily because the District employed more administrators and more business support staff. The District's higher transportation costs resulted from its transporting riders 59 percent more miles than peer districts, on average. However, part of these additional miles was caused by routing inefficiencies and the District's decision to allow resident high school students to choose which high school they attend, resulting in inefficient, overlapping routes. Further, the District did not accurately report its mileage in fiscal year 2007, resulting in almost $60,000 in overfunding from the State since that time. Additionally, the District needs to strengthen its Proposition 301 performance pay plan, implement stronger IT controls, and ensure it spends tax credit monies appropriately.