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Red Mesa Unified School District


In fiscal year 2015, Red Mesa USD’s student achievement was similar to the peer districts’, and it operated with much higher per pupil costs in all noninstructional areas. Specifically, the District’s administrative costs were much higher than the peer districts’ average primarily because of higher staffing. In addition to much higher administrative costs, the District lacked adequate accounting and computer controls, which exposed it to an increased risk of errors, fraud, and misuse of sensitive information. The District’s plant operations costs per pupil and per square foot were much higher than the peer districts’ averages because the District maintained excess building space, had higher energy costs, and employed more maintenance and security staff. The District’s food service program cost per meal was higher than the peer districts’ average, but the District implemented new practices in fiscal year 2016 that allowed it to obtain lower prices for certain food items. Finally, the District’s transportation program was reasonably efficient despite costs per mile and per rider that were much higher than the peer districts’ averages. The District’s costs were higher primarily because it traveled fewer miles and transported fewer riders than peer districts, and therefore, certain costs were spread over fewer miles and riders.

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