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Performance Audit and Financial Analysis of the Rio Nuevo Multipurpose Facilities District, 2022


The Rio Nuevo Multipurpose Facilities District (District) is a municipal tax collection district located in the downtown area of Tucson. Johnson Consulting conducted this performance audit and financial analysis under contract with the Auditor General. Johnson Consulting found that the District addressed several key recommendations from previous reports, but still identified areas in which the District can improve and noncompliance with Arizona Revised Statute §48-4203(E). The previous and current reports recommended that a long-term strategic master plan, as well as a comprehensive capital improvement plan, be developed outlining the most critical Tucson Convention Center improvements needed and associated costs for it to be successful. Additionally, the current report recommended that the District should comply with statutory requirements by submitting its annual report each year by October 1 to the Legislature and presenting to the Joint Committee on Capital Review each construction project and other improvement to real property exceeding $500,000.

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