Arizona Department of Education—Department Should Improve K-3 Reading Program Administration and Oversight to Help Ensure Consistent Implementation of the Program
The K-3 Reading Program (Program) is intended to improve the reading proficiency of kindergarten through third grade (K-3) students in Arizona. We reviewed a random sample of public school districts and public charter schools (school districts and charter schools) and found that nearly all spent program monies consistent with statute, but overall, program implementation has been inconsistent. The Arizona Department of Education (Department) should take steps to improve program administration and oversight, which would help ensure school districts’ and charter schools’ consistent program implementation. The Legislature should also consider various statutory changes to help improve program oversight. In addition, the Department should prioritize enrollment in and increase access to its reading trainings for school district and charter school educators, take steps to ensure that its use of reading-training-fee monies is consistent with statute, and align its reading-training fees with its costs to provide these trainings.