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Student Activities

This Webinar walks through proper procedures and documentation for the collection and disbursement of student activities monies with a focus on safeguarding monies and appropriate separation of duties even in a small district environment. This Webinar is designed to assist anyone involved in student activities from business staff to club sponsors. (broadcast 8/31/11; total time 1 hour and 10 minutes).

Information Technology (IT) Controls/Overview and General Control Policies

This webinar is the first in a series on IT internal controls which was presented live for Arizona school districts, but the IT topics covered apply to all government entities including community colleges and counties. It discusses what IT controls are and why they are important; what resources are available for districts developing IT policies and procedures based on standards and best practices; and general IT controls (broadcast 5/20/14; total time 53 minutes).

Information Technology (IT) Controls/User Roles and Access Controls

This webinar is the second in a series on IT internal controls which was presented live for Arizona school districts, but the IT topics covered apply to all government entities including community colleges and counties. It discusses identifying system users, establishing roles and responsibilities, and limiting and monitoring access to IT systems and resources. In addition, it covers the controls districts should use to secure IT resources and data residing on their systems (broadcast 10/23/14; total time 50 minutes).

Information Technology (IT) Controls/Network and Security Controls

This webinar is the third in a series on IT internal controls which was presented live for Arizona school districts, but the IT topics covered apply to all government entities including community colleges and counties. It discusses network and security controls, such as firewalls, VPN and remote access, file share controls, and encryption, that will help protect the integrity of district data.In addition, click here  for the IT Frequently asked questions (FAQ)’s which were created to supplement the IT webinar topics.

Information Technology (IT) Controls/Contingency Planning

This webinar is the last in a series on IT internal controls for school districts and is focused on contingency planning, previously referred to as disaster recovery. Specifically, it discusses the importance of contingency planning, including steps to follow when creating and testing a contingency plan, and training those involved in the emergency response process. (broadcast 6/16/16; total time 50 minutes)