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Information Technology (IT) Controls/Contingency Planning

This webinar is the last in a series on IT internal controls which was presented live for Arizona school districts, but the topics covered apply to all government entities including community colleges and counties. It is focused on contingency planning, previously referred to as disaster recovery. Specifically, it discusses the importance of contingency planning, including steps to follow when creating and testing a contingency plan, and training those involved in the emergency response process.


The Travel webinar broadcast 10/27/16 has been replaced with short video FAQ’s. Click here to see a list of videos that describe the guidelines for school district travel. 

Cash Receipt Controls

This webinar is designed for school and business office personnel that are already familiar with cash controls, but would like a review of the controls that should be in place for receiving, safeguarding, depositing, and accounting for cash. (broadcast 12/15/16; total time 27 minutes) Note: Due to techinal difficulties experienced during the original broadcast, this webinar was re-recorded at a later date. This video does not contain the question and answer session held at the end of the original broadcast.


This is the Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona School Districts (updated 6/24) in Adobe Acrobat. The USFR is the accounting and financial reporting manual for Arizona school districts.


This is the Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona Charter Schools (updated 8/21). The USFRCS is the accounting and financial reporting manual for Arizona charter schools.

Memo 083

Arizona Online Instruction (AOI) (issued 11/19/09).This memo provides guidance to charter schools concerning AOI in accordance with A.R.S. §15-808. Use the link below to download the memo (Word document) and corresponding AOI Daily Log (Excel file). Once the zip file ( has been downloaded, double click on it and extract the files to C:\Memos\ directory.

Memo 033

Average Daily Membership for Kindergarten and First Grade (issued 1/12/01). This memo provides information regarding the enrollment of children in early (pre-) kindergarten or early first-grade programs and reporting of Average Daily Membership (ADM) data submitted to the Arizona Department of Education. Use the link below to download the ADM Corrections form in Microsoft Word.