State Agencies
The Arizona Department of Racing and the Arizona Racing Commission together regulate pari-mutuel horse and dog racing and wagering in Arizona, although the Department provides direct day-to-day oversight of racing...
The Division expended more than $265 million in federal grants during fiscal year 2006. It attempts to maximize these dollars by monitoring and adjusting expenditures and eligibility. In addition, the...
The Board makes decisions on granting good cause exceptions to applicants who were denied a fingerprint clearance card by the Department of Public Safety. Although it has improved timeliness since...
The federal Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (Act) modifies laws that impact three division programs. For the Title IV-E Foster Care program, the Division may experience a $17-million-per-year increase in...
In fiscal year 2006, the Division began implementing a more formal in-home services program (program) that seeks to prevent further child abuse and neglect and the need to place children...
This document provides answers to four questions about substance-exposed newborns. Although the State requires that all newborns be tested for certain disorders, it does not mandate that they be tested...
Arizona has been awarded approximately $175 million from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for the six grant programs that compose the Homeland Security Grant Program for grant years 2003...
This special audit reviews the delivery of behavioral health services to adults with serious mental illness (SMI) in Maricopa County, where more than 18,000 adults were enrolled to receive services...
The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) provides administrative support to the Supreme Court and numerous services to courts throughout the State. Although AOC has established a fairly comprehensive framework...
The Arizona Department of Education (ADE) needs to make improvements in all Information Technology (IT) areas auditors examined. The most critical need is to better manage the security of its...
The Arizona Department of Education (ADE) should implement a comprehensive system to ensure the accuracy of attendance data from Local Education Agencies (LEAs), which are primarily school districts and charter...
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) relies heavily on engineering consultants to design, develop, and manage highway projects, and on contractors to build and maintain the roads, bridges, and landscaping...
ADE’s School Improvement program, which assists underperforming schools in Arizona, should take steps to better meet best practices in developing and reviewing school improvement plans, in providing technical assistance to...